Legal resources to help clarify rights in the UK.

Democracy Declaration - Lawyers for Liberty

Founded by Jo Rogers.

Law or Fiction

Advice and representation.

Mandatory Masks and / or Testing in Schools

Are you concerned about your child?

Although the UK Government only recommends face masks and testing in schools, many Heads have opted to make these mandatory. If your child’s school has a mandatory mask and/or testing policy and you are concerned, we can help.

You can request a letter to be sent to your child’s school from Lawyers for Liberty, completely free of charge and also completely anonymously on your part. This letter will register a complaint about the school’s mask and/or testing policy, and will also inform the school’s Head of the potential risks and legal liabilities of their regime. The letter will be sent from Lawyers for Liberty anonymously - please be assured that it will not mention you or your child by name.

Separating Law from Lockdown Guidelines

What are our rights?

Laworfiction is a website for ordinary citizens, including lawyers, to understand their rights and how they have been affected, or not, as a result of the UK government’s response to Covid-19. Leaving aside argument over the cost to lives and livelihoods resulting from the sustained lockdown policy and economic damage resulting, the dressing up of unenforceable policy guidance as enforceable rule of law is an issue of serious public concern. Lawyers separating Law (binding) from Fiction (non-binding guidance presented as law) and standing up for individual rights of people and business.

We do not advocate breaking the law. We advocate understanding the law and acting within it.